This article is an excerpt from Chapter four in my new book The Chicken Little Agenda – Debunking Experts’ Lies. You can find out more about the book here, and can order the book from this link. This is the eighth of eight parts for Chapter four that will be presented here sequentially. Read part seven here.
Chapter 4
Nuclear Power, Solar Power, and Things Beyond
Cold Fusion
We said earlier that we were in a watch and wait status on the subject of nuclear fusion. While we watch and wait, however, there may be something exciting happening behind the scenes. Several years ago there was a great furor over something called “cold fusion.” In Salt Lake City in March 1989, Professors Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann announced that under room-temperature conditions, they had observed a nuclear reaction in supersaturated metal hydrides (metals with lots of hydrogen or heavy hydrogen dissolved in them). In the resulting furor, their claims eventually were discredited and these researchers moved to France and England respectively, where they continued their work. Cold fusion research was relegated to the science scrap heap, and only a few dogged researchers continued to follow the leads originally discovered by Pons and Fleischmann. For the most part, they found themselves in a jungle of pseudoscience weirdos, perpetual-motion-machine inventors, and non-peer-reviewed publications.
Recently, however, Dr. Michael McKubre, director of the Energy Research Center at Stanford Research International in Menlo Park, California, and an internationally respected scientist, reported that he has two government-backed independent laboratory verifications of the production of excess heat, tritium, certain isotopes of helium, and a very low level of neutrons. Cold fusion, or “nuclear electrolysis” as Dr. McKubre prefers to call it, is no longer junk science. With this new legitimacy will come regular funding, and the possibility that we may have discovered an inexhaustible supply of safe, inexpensive power.
If nuclear electrolysis turns out to be viable, the entire argument for and against nuclear reactors, Breeder Reactors, hydroelectric power plants, biomass-fired plants, and solar power in all its myriad forms will go away. Power will become a nonissue, something we take for granted like the air we breathe, or daylight and darkness. If this
happens, of course, the Greens will have a problem. What sky-is-falling issue will they take up next in their quest to exercise maximum control over you and me?
© 2006 – Robert G. Williscroft
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