This article is an excerpt from Chapter one in my new book The Chicken Little Agenda – Debunking Experts’ Lies. You can find out more about the book here, and can order the book from this link. This is the last of eleven parts for Chapter one that will be presented here sequentially. Click here to read Part 10.
Chapter 1
The Green Revolution
Power to the Snail Darter and Suckerfish
Fourteen hundred Oregon family farmers located on 200,000 acres in the Klamath Basin are seeing their land dry up and blow away. Yielding to pressure by the Oregon Natural Resources Council, who threatened a lawsuit under the Endangered Species Act, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation stopped the irrigation water the farmers have used since 1909. The Oregon Natural Resources Council claimed that a small suckerfish currently on the endangered species list would be harmed if the level of the Upper Klamath Lake were reduced. They also cited a need to support the coho salmon run, which, they claimed, also needed the higher water levels.
Remember the snail darter in the Tennessee Valley? Following a public announcement of the little fish’s apparent demise, there was a worldwide, Green-driven lament. But when the snail darter turned up in significant numbers in other parts of the country, the silence was deafening. In this case, the suckerfish may be in short supply in Upper Klamath Lake, but it exists far and wide elsewhere. Frankly, even if it were not alive and well—so what? The welfare of 1,400 farmers and their families, and the value of what they produce to the whole nation, far outweighs any possible value of a small fish that plays no role in anything that matters. And the coho salmon run? The 2001 and 2003 runs were two of the largest ever recorded . . . so why even bring it up?
The Endangered Species Act allows any citizen to stop any project anywhere by simply making unsubstantiated claims in a court that is willing to listen. At the time of this writing, only California and Nevada are experiencing severe power shortages. If the Greens go unchecked, however, there are forty-eight states to go. Germany has now given up on nuclear power under pressure from a Green coalition government. It plans to dismantle its plants. France, the world leader in percentage of electricity generated by nuclear power, has stopped building new nuclear plants.
The Greens have lobbied hard for implementation of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind energy. The world’s largest power windmill farm is being constructed on the windy heights overlooking the Columbia River Gorge. It is arguably the most environmentally friendly power project ever attempted. Ironically, it is under court challenge—by the Greens.
It seems that the windmill farm threatens an “endangered” condor species . . . go figure.
It really is unlikely that these buffoons will be able to carry out even one of their silly schemes to reorganize and socialize worldwide democracies. What is more probable is that by shouting loud enough for long enough, and gumming up the works while lining the pockets of greedy attorneys, the Greens will lead us to their dream of stasis by default.
© 2006 – Robert G. Williscroft
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