Category Archives: Nuclear Weapons

The Chicken Little Agenda – Second Edition!

My current affairs book, The Chicken Little Agenda: Debunking “Experts'” Lies, first published by Pelican Publishing Company in 2006, went into a Second Printing in 2007, and now Pelican has published a Second Revised Edition as an eBook. This new edition contains exciting new research results that definitively answer the question: Are humans the cause of climate change?

The answer, which is presented in Chapter 2, is an unequivocal “No!” The jury really is in, and the answer is not only interesting, but astonishing in its implications. It seems that since scientists first began to study climate change, they made some “reasonable” assumptions (yes, this is how science is done) that turned out to be completely wrong, once all the data had been analyzed. You can read these exciting research results here.

The Chicken Little Agenda

E-Bomb: The Ultimate Terrorist Weapon

A properly constructed E-bomb can effectively “fry” everything electric and electronic within several miles of the point of detonation. And the pulse is not the end. During the next fifteen minutes or so, collapsing electrical systems and communications grids will distribute the pulse, and create their own smaller pulses, analogous to an earthquake aftershock. The entire affected electrical and communications system will tear itself apart – self destruct.
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Ch. 02 – The Global Greenhouse (Part 1)

This article is an excerpt from Chapter two in my new book The Chicken Little Agenda – Debunking Experts’ Lies. You can find out more about the book at, and can order the book from this link. This is the first of six parts for Chapter two that will be presented here sequentially.
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Michael Medved Show, Friday, November 24, 2006 1:00 PM

In-depth interview about The Chicken Little Agenda covering Climate Change, looking at specific information that contradicts the current hysteria. Commences with Medved’s description of a new children’s book about the polar bears dying in the Arctic. Examines nuclear weapons and nuclear power, as well.
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Bill Handel Show, KFI Radio, Los Angeles, CA, Tuesday, August 22, 2006 7:00 AM

Interview about The Chicken Little Agenda, discussing global warming, the ozone hole, nuclear weapons in the hands of terrorists and nuclear power, and specifically the lies about Chernobyl and Three Mile Island. Very lively and fun.
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